07738 564855 leroy@boxingclubaberdeen.com
Sessions run Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday


The aims of ABC is to promote and encourage a healthy interest in the sport and pastime of amateur boxing and provides social recreational facilities for young people and allows people to use the facilities for boxing and fitness. ABC will encourage but never persuade club members into competitive boxing.

People can train with the Club from the age of 7.

Any person from 10 to 40 years of age can register with ABC to box competitively.

Any persons over 40 years of age will still be welcome to use the facilities at ABC for fitness only training.

For more information on the rules of boxing and the sports structure and governance, please view the following links.


boxinglogo    iaba        logo          logo         gb

Gym Rules

  • Come to and from the gym in an orderly manner and respect the gyms neighbours.
  • Come to the gym with a change of clothes for training and warm clothes and a hat for leaving, you can make use of the changing rooms and showers which must be kept clean at all times.
  • Make good and full use of all the training sessions, do not come to the gym to joke around and distract others.
  • Do not bring valuables and / or large sums of money to the gym.
  • No food, chewing gum or drink (except water) is to be brought into the gym.
  • Fees are payable in advance.
  • No shouting, spitting or swearing.
  • Obey a coach’s instructions at all times, a coach’s decision is final, disrespect of the coaching staff will not be tolerated.
  • Discrimination and / or bullying will not be tolerated.
  • Respect the property of others.
  • Respect and return all club equipment when you have finished with it.
  • No boxer under 18 is to use the weights without the permission of the coaching staff.
  • Minimum requirement for sparring is a head guard and gumshield. Gloves and head guards are supplied as necessary.
  • No junior boxers will spar senior boxers unless at the discretion and whilst under the supervision of the club head coach.
  • No coaching from the sides during sparring from anyone.
  • Do not leave the gym without informing a member of the coaching staff.
  • No member of Aberdeen Boxing Club is permitted to train in / at another gym without the permission and / or supervision of the Aberdeen Boxing Club coaching staff or club committee.
  • Respect must be shown at all times to all club coaching staff, committee and officials, fellow boxers and all visitors to the gym at all times.

These are the rules of Aberdeen Boxing Club gym.  These rules are not flexible.  Any infringement of these rules will result in disciplinary action which may mean exclusion or expulsion from the gym.


Rules for attending Boxing Shows and Championships

All rules of the gym apply when attending / participating at boxing shows, championships or other boxing gyms:

  • You are a part of a team and and therefore you represent Aberdeen Boxing Club. You are all ambassadors of the club at all times.
  • All Aberdeen Boxing Club boxers will travel together to shows / championships, etc. Whenever possible and practical.
  • Treat your opponents with respect but do not become involved in conversations with your opponent or their team mates.
  • Do not listen to wild stories of how many fights they have had and won or who they have beat and how.
  • Respect the referee at all times during a fight.Do NOT speak back to the referee,
  • Always encourage your teammates.
  • Family and friends traveling to support Aberdeen Boxing Club boxers are expected to behave accordingly and in a civil and respectul manner at all times.
  • Boxers will wear the club colours of Aberdeen Boxing Club which are blue and white, unless boxing from the red corner in which case a red and white strip shall be worn by the boxer during competitive bouts.
  • You must report to a coach or official from Aberdeen Boxing club if you are asked by an official, coach or boxer from another club to train or box at their club or if you are in anyway threatened by members of another Club.

These are the rules of Aberdeen Boxing Club for attending club shows / championships and other boxing gyms.  Failure to follow and comply with these rules will result in disciplinary action which may mean exclusion or expulsion from Aberdeen Boxing Club.